While not strictly gaming related, today's exciting news is that we *finally* exchanged contracts for the house today. This time in two weeks we will be in our lovely new home, surrounded by boxes of *stuff*, wondering where the heck we're going to put it all. The removal company is a little bemused that the journey from the old house to the new one is a whole 5 minutes. Oddly everyone in our chain is staying within about a mile of their previous house... must be something about the area.
On the plus side... it does mean that I can start painting again in 2 weeks too, which is just as well... I was about to crack open the box that I'd packed everything into to alleviate the boredom of waiting.
The down side is that now we've got a move date, it's shifted all my project deadlines at work and I'm not going to be able to make it to Blog-Con after all *Booo! Hiss!*. So some good news, some not so great.
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