
Tuesday, 25 February 2014


The latest bonus round for the painting challenge is Casualties. I had originally intended to paint up some of the dead skaven that were given away with pre-orders of Mordheim (way back in the dim distant past when GW did nice things), but as I also had to create something for the challenge fee based upon a Sam Peckinpah film. Now this was a bit of an additional challenge as I've not seen any of his films (yet), so I had to go do some research on the topic area. Most people seem to have gone with cowboys, but when I came across the poster for Cross of Iron I knew I had the answer to all my problems.

Now, I've not actually seen the film, so I've no idea which character (if any) this is supposed to be on the poster, but it seemed to fit the bill as a casualty as well if I could recreate it.

Lots of cutting and hacking apart of Bolt Action plastics and a touch of greenstuff later, we have our entry.


  1. I thought that this was superb Paul, it really caught my eye. How did you get that ice cold, slush effect? Just wonderful!

    1. The icy snow is one of the neatest effects that I've found. It uses the Secret Weapons Masterclass Ice/snow effects pack (

      If I think about it, I'll do a little article on different snow effects soon

    2. Yes, please do. I am waiting for about a hundred figures from the Baker Company Winter War kickstarter. All good ideas about snow are welcome.

    3. Would definitely like to se a 'how to' that icy snow looks superb.

  2. I have seen my fair bit of blood on snow and I must say this was the finest work I've ever seen on a miniature! Very impressive!

    1. Thanks. The blood was an experiment, so I'm glad it looks fairly real :)

      It was just some red and chestnut washes dripped onto the wet snow effect so that it seemed in and spread out a bit

  3. Very nice work sir. Love the blood on snow.

  4. A very evocative piece Paul. He'll be a honoured addition to the display cabinet.
