
Thursday, 18 December 2014

What's in the box?! What box?

Well, we're at 25k page views (or just shy of as of this posting). It may not be much compared to a lot of you, but I'm pleased. Working in the Web industry I'm well aware that the page views mean feth all, especially when taken out of context with the spam count, but it's nice to think at least someone is reading.. even if it is bots from Russia!

As it is Christmas time and, apparently, the season for giving, I'm going to do a random draw in one week from today* for a "Seasonal box of mystery goodies". This box will be filled with all sorts of goodies from the depts of the lead/plastic mines that I call my office. I've not had a proper look yet, but it should be an interesting selection of things.

*That's Christmas day btw. Only 1 week to go. Have you finished all your present buying yet? :/

In order to get in the draw, you need to to the usual gumpf:

- Be a follower
- Post a comment
- Link to this post and tell me about it (probably in the comment)

You'd better tell everyone so that Josef, the Russian Bot, doesn't get the prize! That would be rather embarrassing!


  1. Well, I am not bot from Russia, so please sign me up for the Mystery Box.
    I advertised you in my blog:


  2. Congratulations on the 25K page views. Ya, I've got Russian bots as well and even some from Vietnam. My most popular post is one I did on my nephews. Every day I get about 25 hits from women searching "How to meet an Irishman" "How to marry an Irishman" "Do Irish men like American women" and on and on.

    I am a new follower and am not sure that you want new folks to go in for this as it could be seen as bad form. So I shall wish you a Happy Christmas. And say here's to many more pageviews from real people!

    1. New folks are just as eligible for the giveaway :)

  3. Excellent giveaway. I have posted about it just now:
    Please include me.

  4. Congratulations! I have to say the Russian bots do have great taste.
    A mystery box is just what I need, so sign me up for the give-away. I've posted about it here:

  5. Greetings. I am the Michaelbot from Canada. I bake stollen, paint miniatures, and secretly plot for the day when the Canuck Robot Overlords will take over the world. I'll do a mention of this on my next blog post at Congratulations on your blogging achievement.

  6. Congratulations dude, amazing amount of hits!
